Latest CoronaVirus Easing of Restrictions.
Latest easing,
• no distancing or limits on numbers now, all pews in use.
• Mass content almost back to normal.
• Also singing is now allowed from the congregation!
• Holy Water now back in use for blessing yourself (after hand sanitisation).
Note the rotas for cleaning and reading are now up to date on the website.
Masses are at the usual times.
Weekday Masses:
• At 10.00 a.m. in St. David's except no public Mass on Tuesdays (it is in Rosehill).
• Mass on Saturday morning at 10.00 a.m. in St. Luke & St. Anne's.
Sunday Masses:
• Vigil Mass at 6.00 p.m., St. David's.
• Sunday 9.30 a.m., St. Luke & St. Anne's.
• 11.00 a.m., St. David's.
• 5.00 p.m., St. David's.
There will be no booking, just turn up, bearing in mind that the 5.00 p.m. Mass is usually the quietest.
A reminder that confessions are on Saturday mornings in St. Luke & St. Anne's (before and after Mass) and on Saturday evening in St. David's from 5p.m. till 5.45p.m. - before the Vigil Mass.
Also, anytime before or after weekday Masses or any other time by appointment.
Coronavirus News.
We are following the Archdiocese guidelines as detailed here.
It is recommended to read the Archdiocese guidelines plus there is a link to a daily Mass streamed online.
There is now a parish facebook page so please click on the link and ‘like’ the page.
I will be putting regular updates on the page.
Please also share the page with anyone who might be interested.
I am thinking of you all and keeping you all in my prayers and will continue to offer Mass every day, praying for you all.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone for a chat (0131 663 4286), or if you are feeling isolated, if you are not able to get out for food, or if I can help in any other way.
If I am out – leave a message and I’ll try to get back as soon as I can.
I will try to do the same with e-mails, but please be aware that due to the volume of e-mails coming in, there is a danger that these may be lost track of.
Please think of anyone you know who may be isolated or anxious.
Get in touch with them or phone me with details or make sure they have my phone number.
Please keep praying and keep the faith!
With prayers and all good wishes for you all.
God bless.
Fr. Andrew
Church Offerings
Should you wish to make a donation to the church during the Coronavirus pandemic please use the following bank details for online payments or to set up a regular standing order:
St David’s
Bank Sort Code: 83-17-26
Account Number: 00248075
Account Name: Archdiocese of St. Andrews & Edinburgh St David’s (enter as many characters as allowed by your bank)
St Luke & St Anne’s
Bank Sort Code: 83-25-27
Account Number: 00245209
Account Name: Archdiocese of St. Andrews & Edinburgh St Luke & St Anne’s (enter as many characters as allowed by your bank)
St David's Catholic Church, Dalkeith serves the people of Dalkeith & surrounding areas, and welcomes everyone.
This website has information under 3 menu headings.
This page summarises the information made available on our website.
Includes some pages with frequently changing information.
Mass details, Newsletter and Dates are usually updated on Saturday for the following week.
- Church location
- Mass details
- Newsletter
- Rotas
- Safeguarding
- Dates of parish events.
Photo galleries for your viewing pleasure.
- Church - take a visual tour around the beautiful interior of our church.
- Shrine - Have a look at out church garden Shrine.
- Pilgrimage - Photos from the 2019 Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage to St Andrews.
Updated as and when needed - i.e. not very often!
- Priest - details including phone and e-mail.
- Hospitals - contacting the Catholic chaplain.
- Links - some useful links.
- History - find out about our amazingly beautiful church opened in 1854.
- Magazines - read about our parish and what our parishioners have achieved, 10 Spring and 10 Autumn editions from Autumn 2006.